
Land id™ Helps Local Governments Map Their Communities

Streamline operations and enhance services with Land id's GIS tools. Save time, money, and resources across planning, economic development, parks, recreation, utilities, infrastructure management, and city management. Easily map land features such as floodplains, soils, and wetlands and track assets with our database builder. Share interactive maps with council members, departments, and the public in minutes.

Sky view of roads and intersections

Great for listings

Create & Embed Maps in Your Listings

For local governments, creating and embedding maps in their listings can be a useful way to provide valuable information to residents and visitors. By incorporating maps into listings for public spaces, events, and services, local governments can help individuals better navigate and understand their community.

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Identify Your Land

Easily Create & Share Maps

Creating and sharing visually stunning and informative property maps has never been easier. Try Land id™ for free today.

An overhead shot of a parking lot and the land around it.

Identify Your Land

Easily Create & Share Maps

Creating and sharing visually stunning and informative property maps has never been easier. Try Land id™ for free today.

A screenshot of the Land id map showing measurement details of a region of land.
An overhead shot of a parking lot and the land around it.


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Government Features

Database Builder

Keep track of data related to properties, assets, or projects with Land id’s Database Builder. View, edit, search, and filter data related to a specific location, and organize different plots in a single custom map.

A custom map image showing serval outlines parcels and their corresponding owner labels.

Share & Embed Maps

For sharing in the field, clients can download the Land id™ app to receive and view every map shared with them. Customize your map links, brand your maps, and maximize your impact with Land id™.

A screenshot of an embedded Land id map.

Deed Plotting

With Land id, professionals in local government can overlay their maps with property deeds to mark the exact boundaries and features of a piece of land based on its legal description.

aerial open field
Get a live demo

Need to see a bit more? Sign up for a live demo today.

If you’re looking for a full exploration of our land mapping software before purchasing, request a demo with one of our experts today.

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