Discover Land

Discover In-Depth Property Information

Explore the secrets that your land holds with Land id's extensive parcel database. Research properties, explore the world, and access valuable land information offline with our mobile app. Sign up for a 7-day free trial today and see the world in new ways with Land id.

Open field of grass and dirt

Great for Properties

Create & Embed Maps For Your Properties

Gain access to the most extensive, up-to-date property boundary and ownership information across all 50 states and over 140 million private properties. Overlay different points of the data you that you find using our custom map creation tools. Discover, Create and Share with Land id™.

Identify Your Land

Easily Create & Share Maps

Creating and sharing visually stunning and informative property maps has never been easier. Try Land id™ for free today.

An aerial shot of plains of land with a road running through.

Identify Your Land

Easily Create & Share Maps

Creating and sharing visually stunning and informative property maps has never been easier. Try Land id™ for free today.

A screenshot of the Land id map showing map overlays and parcel features.
An aerial shot of plains of land with a road running through.


No items found.


Land Features

Basemaps & Overlays

Our platform offers a wide range of basemaps and overlays, including satellite imagery, parcels, and topographical maps, giving users the flexibility to choose the most appropriate view for their needs.

Highlighted Default Basemap, Parcels, and Fed State Lands

Property Boundaries

Land id™ is the best option for exploring and building parcel maps online that benefit from having the most extensive dataset available. Build maps faster and share them with your audience in minutes.

Open field with land marks

Offline Use

Land id™ gives users offline access to their maps with our new mobile app. Users can download, view and edit their maps even when they are in remote locations with poor internet connectivity.

MB Aerial tab checked for a map download
Get a live demo

Need to see a bit more? Sign up for a live demo today.

If you’re looking for a full exploration of our land mapping software before purchasing, request a demo with one of our experts today.

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